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TrainCarts train 1.gif
Minecarts redefined
Spigot: TrainCarts
GitHub: TrainCarts

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TrainCarts is a plugin developed by Bergerkiller and features everything related to Trains of minecarts. It was initially developed to link multiple carts together, creating a moving train. Over time the plugin grew to host many more features, such as action signs, commands, properties, attachments and a broad API other plugins can implement to add their own features.


The first thing you will notice is that you can now connect carts together to form infinitely long trains. Every cart in this train is called a member, all members combined are called a group. Every member communicates with the group, so when the front cart hits a block, it stops the entire group. When someone pushes a cart, this pushing force is shared among all members. Therefore, long trains are less responsive than short trains.

New physics

Trains can travel on top of pressure plates and alongside ladders, and also upside-down below vanilla rails placed on a ceiling.

» Physical


Loads of different signs are available to automate stations, eject trains, put players in trains or update train configuration.

» Signs


The plugin has lots of commands you can use to alter the behavior of trains and minecarts.

» Commands

Train Spawn Chest

A special item allows for trains to be picked up and spawned.

» Train Spawn Chest

Path finding

Trains can have a destination set, after which switcher signs will automatically switch the track to lead the train towards it with the shortest route possible. This can be used to automate a large train network, sending trains to different stations fully automatically. It is also possible to configure a list of destinations the train should visit and have the train automatically go from one destination to the next.

» Traincarts Path Finding


TrainCarts can be configured in the config.yml file. All setting nodes have a header to help you understand what that particular node adjusts. Other than that, you can set the default train properties (properties applied to new trains) in the DefaultTrainProperties.yml file. The nodes should speak for themselves. Try not to touch the other files, as it can cause corrupted save data, or the plugin getting out of sync. Deleting the files should re-set TrainCarts completely, may one of the files get corrupted. The plugin automatically generates all configuration needed.

» Train Properties


» Attachments (WIP)


Like in all plugins that use BKCommonLib as a base, all permissions can be found in PermissionDefaults.yml in the plugin folder. There they are all listed together with a description and permission default, which you can alter as well.

» Overview of all permissions


TrainCarts has a flexible API which allows other plugins to implement custom track, signs, attachments and more.

  • TC-Coasters: Adds smooth rollercoaster track to TrainCarts

Useful Links

Traincarts Spigot Jenkins GitHub

BKCommonLib Spigot Jenkins GitHub

TC Coasters Spigot Jenkins GitHub

Depreciated Addons

(No longer supported in current versions of Traincarts)

ActionBlocks, added block-based systems to the game. They were dumbed-down versions of the sign systems mentioned above.

TrainCartsBlocks GitHub Download Page