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(Created page with "» 控制牌")
(Created page with "== 列车属性 == 列车和单个矿车都具有'''属性'''。可通过指令(/train 和 /cart)进行设置或使用属性控制牌.")
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== 指令 ==
== 指令 ==
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The plugin has lots of commands you can use to alter the behavior of trains and minecarts.
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[[Special:MyLanguage/TrainCarts/Commands|» 指令]]
[[Special:MyLanguage/TrainCarts/Commands|» Commands]]
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<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">

Revision as of 15:38, 1 September 2024

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TrainCarts train 1.gif
Minecarts redefined
Spigot: TrainCarts
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由Bergerkiller开发的 Traincart 插件(以下简称 TC)涵盖了 Minecraft 中有关矿车的一切内容。其最初目的是为了将多个矿车编组,使其能像现实中的列车一样运行。随着时间的推移,该插件逐渐推出更多功能,如控制牌指令列车属性附件等。同时,插件还提供了多个API接口,便于其它插件实现更多自定义功能


首先,通过 TC 可以将多辆矿车连接在一起,编组为一列无限长度的火车。这列车中的每节车厢在将被插件定义为一个“成员(Member)”,所有成员组成的列车称之为“组(Group)”,每个成员都会和组内的其它成员共享运行状态和信息,所以,当第一节矿车撞到障碍物时,组内的所有矿车都会停下来。同样,当推动整列火车时,由于外力需要克服整列火车的摩擦力,所以长编组列车的反应速度比短编组慢。

默认情况下,所有由玩家放置的矿车都会成为 TC 管理的矿车。如果您想生成具有原始 Minecraft 物理行为的原版矿车,你可以通过 权限 或通过使用 分配器 来生成。更多信息请参阅(原版矿车)

默认情况下,生物不再会进入 TC 矿车。如果您想更改此设置,请查看(生物进入)或改为生成原版矿车。


列车和单个矿车都具有属性。可通过指令(/train 和 /cart)进行设置或使用属性控制牌.



» 物理特性



» 控制牌



» 指令

Command Selectors

You can use command selectors like @train and @ptrain in all other commands (including non-traincarts commands) to perform actions on trains or player passengers of trains based on selector criteria. For tighter integration with other plugins like economies and status effects, this is the ideal mechanism.

Train Spawn Chest

A special item allows for trains to be picked up and spawned.

Path finding

Trains can have a destination set, after which switcher signs will automatically switch the track to lead the train towards it with the shortest route possible. This can be used to automate a large train network, sending trains to different stations fully automatically. It is also possible to configure a list of destinations the train should visit and have the train automatically go from one destination to the next.


Train ticket items can be used to restrict who can enter trains. They can also be used to assign properties to trains when used, such as assigning a destination to go to.


TrainCarts can be configured in the config.yml file. All setting nodes have a header to help you understand what that particular node adjusts. Other than that, you can set the default train properties (properties applied to new trains) in the DefaultTrainProperties.yml file. The nodes should speak for themselves. Try not to touch the other files, as it can cause corrupted save data, or the plugin getting out of sync. Deleting the files should re-set TrainCarts completely, may one of the files get corrupted. The plugin automatically generates all configuration needed.


The attachment editor is used to configure the appearance of your train. The interactive menu enables players to configure customized trains using item models, entities, seats, sounds and more. All of these can be animated to bring the train alive.


Like in all plugins that use BKCommonLib as a base, all permissions can be found in PermissionDefaults.yml in the plugin folder. There they are all listed together with a description and permission default, which you can alter as well.


Some features by this plugin may result in server or client lag. There are ways to prevent them.

API and Add-ons

TrainCarts has a flexible API which allows other plugins to implement custom track, signs, attachments and more.

Useful Links

Traincarts Spigot Jenkins GitHub

BKCommonLib Spigot Jenkins GitHub

TC Coasters Spigot Jenkins GitHub

Depreciated Addons

(No longer supported in current versions of Traincarts)

ActionBlocks, added block-based systems to the game. They were dumbed-down versions of the sign systems mentioned above.