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On this page all permissions used in Traincarts are listed. You can also find these by opening plugins/Train_Carts/PermissionDefaults.yml. That file might be more up-to-date than this page. See also this page about Permission Defaults.


Node Description The player can place minecarts. See also: Vanilla Minecarts The player can place TrainCarts minecarts. See also: Vanilla Minecarts
train.break.self The player can break their own minecarts
train.break.any The player can break all minecarts, also ones the player does not own
train.ticket.manage The player can edit the details of existing tickets or create new tickets


Node Description
train.command.globalproperties The player can edit the properties of all carts using commands The player can edit the properties of carts he owns using commands
train.command.destroy The player can destroy owned carts through commands
train.command.destroyall The player can destroy all trains on the server
train.command.fixbugged The player can destroy all bugged minecarts on the server
train.command.upgradesavedtrains The player can upgrade all saved trains model positions to the new TC version
train.command.reroute The player can force path finding to re-calculate
train.command.reload The player can reload the configuration
train.command.break The player can set blocks the cart can break from a set list
train.command.breakblock.admin The player can set blocks the cart can break, any type
train.command.setpublic The player can make his owned carts open for the public
train.command.setowners The player can set the owners of his owned carts
train.command.settags The player can set the tags of his owned carts
train.command.setdestination The player can set destinations for his owned carts
train.command.playerenter The player can set if players can enter his owned carts
train.command.playerexit The player can set if players can exit his owned carts
train.command.pickup The player can set if his owned storage carts pick up items
train.command.setlinking The player can set if his owned trains can link to other trains
train.command.keepchunksloaded The player can set if his owned trains keep nearby chunks loaded
train.command.invincible The player can set if his owned trains are invincible
train.command.pushing The player can set if his owned trains push away certain entities
train.command.slowdown The player can set if his owned trains slow down over time
train.command.setcollide The player can set if his owned trains can collide
train.command.setspeedlimit The player can set the maximum speed for his trains
train.command.setpoweredcartrequirement The player can set if a powered minecart is needed for his train to stay alive
train.command.default The player can apply default settings to his owned trains
train.command.rename The player can rename his owned trains
train.command.displayname The player can change the display name of his owned trains
train.command.manualmove Whether the player can change if trains can be moved by damaging them
train.command.saveall Whether the player can save all TrainCarts stored information to file
train.command.message Whether the player can add message shortcuts
train.command.pathinfo Whether the player can view the route the train is following to reach the destination
train.command.playertake Whether the player can change if players take Minecarts with them when they leave
train.command.soundenabled Whether the player can turn Minecart sound on or off
train.command.teleport Whether the player can teleport to where trains are
train.command.changeblock Whether the player can alter the type of block displayed in a minecart
train.command.changetick Whether the player can alter the global update tick rate of TrainCarts (debug!)
train.command.issue Whether the player can report problems with TrainCarts
train.command.editor Whether the player can use commands to give himself editors for trains (models) and signs
train.command.chest Whether the player can use a chest item that can store and spawn trains Whether the player can use a command to save a train under a name
train.command.savedtrain.reverse Whether the player can reverse a saved train, so that back becomes front when spawning
train.command.savedtrain.rename Whether the player can rename a saved train to a new name
train.command.savedtrain.delete Whether the player can delete a previously saved train
train.command.savedtrain.claim Whether the player can change who has claimed a saved train Whether the player can modify, delete or claim saved trains claimed by other players
train.command.savedtrain.import Whether the player can import saved trains from online using hastebin
train.command.savedtrain.export Whether the player can export (paste) saved trains to online using hastebin
train.command.enter Whether the player can use a command to enter the train/cart being edited
train.command.launch Whether the player can use a command to launch the train being edited
train.command.animate Whether the player can use a command to play an animation
train.command.gravity Whether the player can use a command to change the gravity factor of a train

Building Action Signs

Allows placing down TrainCarts Signs.

Node Description The player can place down signs that use remote control The player can build train stations The player can build train spawners
train.spawner.automatic The player can build spawners which automatically create carts
train.spawner.regular The player can build spawners which create regular minecarts
train.spawner.powered The player can build spawners which create powered minecarts The player can build spawners which create minecarts with chests
train.spawner.tnt The player can build spawners which create minecarts with TNT
train.spawner.hopper The player can build spawners which create minecarts with hoppers
train.spawner.command The player can build spawners which create minecarts with command blocks
train.spawner.spawner The player can build spawners which create minecarts with spawners The player can build train triggers The player can build destinations The player can build track switchers The player can build train destructors The player can build train detectors The player can build train ejectors The player can build train ejectors that teleport to absolute world coordinates The player can build train property setter signs The player can build systems to let trains collect from storage blocks The player can build systems to fill storage blocks with items from trains The player can build systems to teleport trains vertically The player can build train teleporters (portals) The player can build train blockers The player can build train wait signs The player can build item crafter signs The player can build a sign that will charge money or ejects a player if he can't pay The player can build a sign that sends a message to all the players in a train The player can build a sign that can play an effect The player can build a sign that can play a sound The player can build a sign that alters the block displayed in minecarts The player can build a sign that can cause a train to jump in a certain direction The player can build a sign that can launch trains The player can build a sign that can make nearby players/mobs enter a train The player can build a sign that can tell a train or minecart to skip upcoming signs The player can build a sign that defines a mutual exclusion zone, where only one train can be at The player can build a sign that flips the orientation of a Minecart 180 degrees The player can build a sign that plays train animations


Multiple permissions are checked when players want to change the properties (maximum speed, keep chunks loaded, etc.) of a train. There are permissions for the different methods of changing them, permissions per property name and permissions that control the default properties applied to newly placed minecarts.

The per-property permissions are checked for:

  • Commands that change a property
  • Placing a Property Sign that changes a property
  • Importing saved trains (/savedtrain [name] import [path/url])
  • Spawning train configurations with the train storage chest
  • Placing a Spawn Sign to spawn a saved train using certain properties

Permissions for different methods

Node Description
train.command.globalproperties The player can edit the properties of all carts using commands The player can edit the properties of carts he owns using commands The player can build train property setter signs

Permissions per property name

Node Description The player can alter the maximum speed of trains The player can change whether trains slow down due to gravity or friction The player can change what happens when trains collide with entities or blocks The player can change whether players can enter carts or not The player can change whether players can exit from carts or not The player can change whether the train keeps nearby chunks and itself loaded The player can change the gravity multiplier of the train The player can change the way trains bank in curves The player can change what destination a train is path-finding to The player can add or remove tags to trains or carts, used by switchers and detectors The player can change the name of the train The player can apply defaults from DefaultTrainProperties.yml to trains The player can change whether only owners or all players can enter a train The player can change whether storage carts pick up items off the ground The player can change whether a train makes sound while moving, or is quiet The player can change whether a train is invincible to damage or can be destroyed The player can change whether the players take carts with them when they leave the server The player can change whether carts drop items when destroyed The player can change whether a train must have a furnace minecart to exist, or unlink The player can change the display name of a train, which is used with the trigger sign The player can allow a train to be set in motion by mob passengers The player can allow player passengers to control the train using steering controls The player can change who has ownership of carts and can edit them The player can configure a train to automatically break blocks from a whitelist for farming setups The player can configure a train to break any type of block at all The player can change what sequence of destinations a train follows The player can configure that a train updates in realtime, adjusting for server tick lag and jitter The player can change the friction multiplier of the train The player can assign tickets required for entering the train The player can change the player view distance set for passengers of a train The player can change the message displayed to players when they enter the train The player can change where players are ejected relative to the train The player can change the range from which the train is visible to players The player can change the wait distance, acceleration and deceleration of trains

Automatic Properties

When players place down minecarts, it can be set to automatically apply certain properties from plugins/Train_Carts/DefaultTrainProperties.yml. By default only the extra admin permissions exists, which is applied with:

Additional ones can be configured, and by giving the named permission to players, those players will then place down Minecarts using these properties. This mechanism can be used to, for example, create special roles that make it so minecarts these players place down keep chunks loaded, or makes the minecarts invincible.