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The launcher sign, similar to the station sign, can launch trains and make them reach a certain speed. The distance over which the train slows down/speeds up and the direction to launch can all be specified. Launching at a speed of 0 will slowly put the train to a complete halt, similar to how stations stop trains. Note that the speed is not locked after launching is completed: you can still push the train around or stop it entirely.


launch 10

First line

There is no difference between using [cart] or [train]. Remote control can also be used in combination with this sign.

Second line

launch or launcher, followed up by the launch configuration. Launching can be done over a set distance, a set time, or at a constant acceleration. The launch function can be configured as linear or bezier. A bezier curve will accelerate slower towards the beginning and end of the launch.

Syntax Meaning
launch Automatically computes a suitable distance to launch at, by looking for the first bend in the rails up ahead.

The maximum distance calculated this way is 100 blocks.

launch 20.0 Launches the train to the target speed over 20 blocks (meters)
launch 20.0s Launches the train to the target speed in 20 seconds
launch 1m Launches the train to the target speed in 1 minute
launch 500ms Launches the train to the target speed in 500 milliseconds
launch 100t Launches the train to the target speed in 100 ticks (5 seconds)
launch 2.2G Launches the train to the target speed at a constant acceleration based on a G-force of 2.2 (0.2406m/t2)
launch 10km/h/s Launches the train to the target speed at a constant acceleration. See the TrainCarts/Acceleration page for more information.

Must have a slash somewhere to be considered an acceleration expression.

launch 20l
launch 20sl
launch 10km/h/sl
By appending a l at the end of the expression, the launch follows a linear curve.
launch 20b
launch 20sb
launch 10km/h/sb
By appending a b at the end of the expression, the launch follows a bezier curve.

Third line

The speed to launch at. If left empty, it will launch at the speed specified in the configuration (launchForce). To put the train to a complete halt, use 0.

Absolute speeds use a positive or zero number with no sign; to launch the train to a speed of 1.25 blocks per tick (25 blocks per second, or 90 km/h), use "1.25". Relative speeds require a sign even when positive; to launch the train to a speed 0.5 higher than it was before, write "+0.5"; to decrease the speed by 0.5, write "-0.5".

When only a value is specified, the unit is blocks/tick. For all other supported units, see TrainCarts/Velocity

Fourth line

Optionally you can specify the direction to launch here. The default parameter, if blank, is "continue" – it will launch the train in the same direction from which it came.