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TC 提供了多种不同的生成列车方式,以下:

  • 原版矿车 - 玩家可以生成 TC 矿车。这个页面展示了原版矿车的行为。
  • 生成牌 - 在生成牌上方的轨道上生成列车,可以通过红石启用,也可以实现周期、间隔自动化生成。
  • 列车生成箱 - 一个便携物品,可以将列车储存进去并在轨道上重新放置。



机制 模式 释义
原版矿车 m 生成一个可乘坐的矿车。
保存列车 MyTrain 生成 1 个名为 MyTrain 的列车。
Repetition mmm 生成 3 个可乘坐的矿车。
数量前缀 3m3s 生成 3 个可乘坐的矿车和 3 个运输矿车(总共 6 个矿车)。
分组序列 3[ms] 生成 3 组且每组由 1 个矿车和 1 个运输矿车组成,与msmsms等价。
随机 3[33%RedCart 33%GreenCart 33%BlueCart] 生成 3 组且每组由 3 种保存的列车随机组成。



文本 矿车类型
m 普通矿车
p 动力矿车
s 运输矿车
t TNT 矿车
h 漏斗矿车
e 刷怪笼矿车

例如,这个生成牌会生成 3 个矿车组成的列车:


这个命令会给予玩家一个能生成 3 个矿车组成的列车的列车生成箱

/train chest mmm


玩家可以使用/train save [名称]正在编辑列车保存。这个名称可以在生成模式中使用。

  • When matching a saved train name, the longest name that matches is selected
  • Saved train names can be listed with command: /savedtrain list
  • Saved trains can be imported or edited with command: /savedtrain [name] [subcommand]
  • Saved trains can also be included in a resource pack loaded on the server, like what the TrainCarts Demo Resource Pack
  • Note: Saved train names are not the same as named trains (/train rename). There is no relation between the two.

For example, this spawn sign spawns a train named MyTrain:


And this command gives the player a train spawn chest that spawns a train named MyTrain:

/train chest MyTrain

Saved Spawn Patterns

Instead of saving a train, a (long) train spawning pattern can be saved instead with /savedtrain [name] spawn [pattern].

For example:

/savedtrain MyTrain spawn 4[50%m 50%s] p

When spawning MyTrain this will spawn 4 random rideable Minecarts or Minecart with chest, followed by a single Minecart with Furnace. This is especially useful when patterns are too long to fit on spawn signs. These patterns can be used recursively.


Multiple train names or Vanilla Minecart names can be put following each other, no space required. When matching the names, it matches the longest saved train name that matches the pattern.

Amount Prefix

Digits can be put in front of names to repeat that pattern a number of times. If you want to spawn MyTrain three times, you can put 3MyTrain

Grouped Sequences

Patterns can be grouped so that the amount prefix repeats the entire group, instead of only the one train or cart specified.

For example, if you want to spawn a locomotive followed by red-green-blue carriages repeated four times (12 carriages), you can put:

4[carr carg carb] loco


Use the % weighted prefix to randomly have a pattern choose between different types of trains to spawn. This follows a syntax similar to the WorldEdit syntax.

For example, to spawn a locomotive followed by 12 carts of random red, green or blue carriages:

12[33%carr 33%carg 33%carb] loco

These prefixes can also be applied to grouped sequences to create variable-length trains. This will spawn a locomotive with randomly 0, 1 or 2 carriages:

[33%[] 33%carb 33%[carr carg]] loco

The percentage total is normalized, so in the above examples using 50% or 200% would have resulted in the same behavior.