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TrainCarts tracks what minecart entity a player is currently editing. Most commands and also the attachment editor operate on the train the player has selected. There are various ways to change what train is being edited, each method will be explained on this page.

Placing down new minecarts

Whenever players place down new minecarts, or use the train spawn chest, the cart or train is automatically selected. After placing down a minecart players can therefore instantly use commands to configure it.

Sitting inside a minecart

When entering a train, players will automatically edit the cart they entered. When they leave the cart again, the cart remains selected.

Damaging while sneaking

When a cart is hit while sneaking, or slapped, the cart is not destroyed and instead the cart is selected. Similarly, when damaging a cart in survival, players can select carts.

Edit command

The edit command can also be used to select carts. This can be done by specifying the name of the train, or by looking at the cart to edit. A particle effect is displayed when a train is selected.

Edits the cart a player is looking at
Command: /train edit
Permission: must be a train owner

Edits the train with a given name
Command: /train edit [name]
Permission: must be a train owner