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(Created page with "当玩家想要更改列车的属性(''最大速度'',''保持区块加载''等)时,会检查多个权限。更改它们的不同方法有权限、每个属性名称...")
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=== 属性 ===
=== 属性 ===
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Multiple permissions are checked when players want to change the properties (''maximum speed'', ''keep chunks loaded'', etc.) of a train. There are permissions for the different methods of changing them, permissions per property name and permissions that control the [[Special:MyLanguage/TrainCarts/TrainProperties|default properties]] applied to newly placed minecarts.
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Revision as of 04:31, 19 September 2024

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English • ‎中文(中国大陆)‎

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本页面列出了 TC 中使用的所有权限。你也可以通过打开plugins/Train_Carts/PermissionDefaults.yml文件来找到这些权限。该文件的权限内容可能会比本页面的权限列表更完善。 另请参阅本页面有关权限默认值的信息。


节点 描述
train.place.minecart 玩家可以放置矿车。另请参阅:


train.place.traincart 玩家可以放置 TC 矿车。另请参阅: 原版矿车
train.break.self 玩家可以销毁自己的矿车。
train.break.any 玩家可以销毁所有矿车,甚至是不属于自己的矿车。
train.ticket.manage 玩家可以编辑已存在的车票或创建新车票。


节点 描述
train.command.globalproperties 玩家可以修改所有矿车的属性。
train.command.properties 玩家可以修改自己的矿车的属性。
train.command.destroy 玩家可以销毁自己的矿车。
train.command.destroyall 玩家可以销毁服务器上所有的矿车。
train.command.fixbugged 玩家可以销毁服务器上所有出问题的矿车。
train.command.upgradesavedtrains 玩家可以将所有已保存的列车模型的位置升级到新 TC 版本(待测)。
train.command.reroute 玩家可以强制列车寻路来重新计算路线。
train.command.reload 玩家可以重载配置文件。
train.command.break 玩家可以指定矿车能破坏的方块列表。
train.command.breakblock.admin 玩家可以指定矿车能破坏任意类型的哪些方块。
train.command.setpublic 玩家可以向公众开放自己的矿车。
train.command.setowners 玩家可以为自己的矿车设置车主。
train.command.settags 玩家可以为自己的矿车设置标签。
train.command.setdestination 玩家可以为自己的矿车设置目的地。
train.command.playerenter 玩家可以设置自己的矿车是否运行玩家进入。
train.command.playerexit 玩家可以设置自己的矿车是否允许玩家离开。
train.command.pickup 玩家可以设置自己的运输矿车是否能捡起物品。
train.command.setlinking 玩家可以设置自己的矿车是否能与其他矿车进行链接。
train.command.keepchunksloaded 玩家可以将自己的矿车设置为保持区块加载。
train.command.invincible 玩家可以将自己的矿车设置为无法破坏。
train.command.pushing 玩家可以设置自己的矿车是否能将实体推开。
train.command.slowdown 玩家可以设置自己的矿车是否会随时间的推移速度会越来越慢。
train.command.setcollide 玩家可以设置自己的矿车是否能发生碰撞。
train.command.setspeedlimit 玩家可以为自己的矿车设置最大速度。
train.command.setpoweredcartrequirement 玩家可以设置自己的矿车是否需要动力矿车才能运作。
train.command.default 玩家可以将默认设置应用到自己的矿车。
train.command.rename 玩家可以重命名自己的矿车。
train.command.displayname 玩家可以修改自己的矿车的显示名称。
train.command.manualmove 玩家可以设置自己的矿车是否可以通过打击来让矿车移动。
train.command.saveall 玩家可以将所有列车信息储存在文件里。
train.command.message 玩家可以添加消息快捷方式。
train.command.pathinfo 玩家可以预览列车前往目的地的路线。
train.command.playertake 玩家可以设置玩家离开时是否可以拿走矿车。
train.command.soundenabled 玩家可以开启或关闭矿车的声音。
train.command.teleport 玩家可以传送到列车所在的地方。
train.command.changeblock 玩家可以更改矿车中显示的方块类型。
train.command.changetick 玩家可以更改 TC 的全局更新刻率(需要调试!)。
train.command.issue 玩家可以向 TC 报告问题。
train.command.editor 玩家可以通过指令获取列车(模型)编辑器和控制牌。
train.command.chest 玩家可以使用列车生成箱。
train.command.save 玩家可以通过指令将列车保存在一个名称下。
train.command.savedtrain.reverse 玩家可以反转保存的列车,使其生成时尾部位于头部。
train.command.savedtrain.rename 玩家可以重命名保存的列车。
train.command.savedtrain.delete 玩家可以删除保存的列车。
train.command.savedtrain.claim 玩家可以更改保存列车的认领人。
train.command.savedtrain.global 玩家可以对被其他玩家领取的保存的列车进行修改、删除或领取。
train.command.savedtrain.import 玩家可以使用 Hastebin 从网上导入保存的列车。
train.command.savedtrain.export 玩家可以使用 Hastebin 从网上导出(粘贴)保存的列车。
train.command.enter 玩家可以使用指令进入正在编辑的列车/矿车。
train.command.launch 玩家可以使用指令启动正在编辑的列车。
train.command.animate 玩家可以使用指令播放动画。
train.command.gravity 玩家可以使用指令改变列车的重力系数。



节点 描述
train.build.feature.remotecontrol 玩家可以放置具有远程控制功能的控制牌。
train.build.station 玩家可以放置车站牌。
train.build.spawner 玩家可以放置生成器。
train.spawner.automatic The player can build spawners which automatically create carts
train.spawner.regular The player can build spawners which create regular minecarts
train.spawner.powered The player can build spawners which create powered minecarts
train.spawner.storage The player can build spawners which create minecarts with chests
train.spawner.tnt The player can build spawners which create minecarts with TNT
train.spawner.hopper The player can build spawners which create minecarts with hoppers
train.spawner.command The player can build spawners which create minecarts with command blocks
train.spawner.spawner The player can build spawners which create minecarts with spawners
train.build.trigger The player can build train triggers
train.build.destination The player can build destinations
train.build.switcher The player can build track switchers
train.build.destructor The player can build train destructors
train.build.detector The player can build train detectors
train.build.ejector The player can build train ejectors
train.build.ejector.absolute The player can build train ejectors that teleport to absolute world coordinates
train.build.property The player can build train property setter signs
train.build.collector The player can build systems to let trains collect from storage blocks
train.build.depositor The player can build systems to fill storage blocks with items from trains
train.build.elevator The player can build systems to teleport trains vertically
train.build.teleporter The player can build train teleporters (portals)
train.build.blocker The player can build train blockers
train.build.wait The player can build train wait signs
train.build.crafter The player can build item crafter signs
train.build.ticket The player can build a sign that will charge money or ejects a player if he can't pay
train.build.announcer The player can build a sign that sends a message to all the players in a train
train.build.effect The player can build a sign that can play an effect
train.build.sound The player can build a sign that can play a sound
train.build.blockchanger The player can build a sign that alters the block displayed in minecarts
train.build.jumper The player can build a sign that can cause a train to jump in a certain direction
train.build.launcher The player can build a sign that can launch trains
train.build.enter The player can build a sign that can make nearby players/mobs enter a train
train.build.skipper The player can build a sign that can tell a train or minecart to skip upcoming signs
train.build.mutex The player can build a sign that defines a mutual exclusion zone, where only one train can be at
train.build.flip The player can build a sign that flips the orientation of a Minecart 180 degrees
train.build.animator The player can build a sign that plays train animations



The per-property permissions are checked for:

  • Commands that change a property
  • Placing a Property Sign that changes a property
  • Importing saved trains (/savedtrain [name] import [path/url])
  • Spawning train configurations with the train storage chest
  • Placing a Spawn Sign to spawn a saved train using certain properties


Node Description
train.command.globalproperties The player can edit the properties of all carts using commands
train.command.properties The player can edit the properties of carts he owns using commands
train.build.property The player can build train property setter signs


Node Description
train.property.maxspeed The player can alter the maximum speed of trains
train.property.slowdown The player can change whether trains slow down due to gravity or friction
train.property.collision The player can change what happens when trains collide with entities or blocks
train.property.playerenter The player can change whether players can enter carts or not
train.property.playerexit The player can change whether players can exit from carts or not
train.property.keepchunksloaded The player can change whether the train keeps nearby chunks and itself loaded
train.property.gravity The player can change the gravity multiplier of the train
train.property.banking The player can change the way trains bank in curves
train.property.destination The player can change what destination a train is path-finding to
train.property.tags The player can add or remove tags to trains or carts, used by switchers and detectors
train.property.name The player can change the name of the train
train.property.applydefaults The player can apply defaults from DefaultTrainProperties.yml to trains
train.property.onlyownerscanenter The player can change whether only owners or all players can enter a train
train.property.pickupitems The player can change whether storage carts pick up items off the ground
train.property.soundenabled The player can change whether a train makes sound while moving, or is quiet
train.property.invincible The player can change whether a train is invincible to damage or can be destroyed
train.property.allowplayertake The player can change whether the players take carts with them when they leave the server
train.property.spawnitemdrops The player can change whether carts drop items when destroyed
train.property.requirepoweredcart The player can change whether a train must have a furnace minecart to exist, or unlink
train.property.displayname The player can change the display name of a train, which is used with the trigger sign
train.property.allowmobmanualmovement The player can allow a train to be set in motion by mob passengers
train.property.allowplayermanualmovement The player can allow player passengers to control the train using steering controls
train.property.owners The player can change who has ownership of carts and can edit them
train.property.breakblocks.normal The player can configure a train to automatically break blocks from a whitelist for farming setups
train.property.breakblocks.admin The player can configure a train to break any type of block at all
train.property.route The player can change what sequence of destinations a train follows
train.property.realtime The player can configure that a train updates in realtime, adjusting for server tick lag and jitter
train.property.friction The player can change the friction multiplier of the train
train.property.tickets The player can assign tickets required for entering the train
train.property.viewdistance The player can change the player view distance set for passengers of a train
train.property.entermessage The player can change the message displayed to players when they enter the train
train.property.exitoffset The player can change where players are ejected relative to the train
train.property.trackingrange The player can change the range from which the train is visible to players
train.property.wait The player can change the wait distance, acceleration and deceleration of trains


When players place down minecarts, it can be set to automatically apply certain properties from plugins/Train_Carts/DefaultTrainProperties.yml. By default only the extra admin permissions exists, which is applied with:


Additional ones can be configured, and by giving the named permission to players, those players will then place down Minecarts using these properties. This mechanism can be used to, for example, create special roles that make it so minecarts these players place down keep chunks loaded, or makes the minecarts invincible.