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The model attachment loads an attachment configuration from the model store. You can save attachments to be used in models in the general menu.


  • The model name can be selected either through an anvil menu, or by selecting them in a dropdown menu.
  • If a non-existing model name was selected (shown as red), the Load button can be used to load a new configuration. It can also overwrite existing configurations.
  • The edit button edits the model configuration that is selected. This will modify the attachments in all places where it is used in a model attachment


If the same model name is used in multiple model attachments or even trains, making changes to the configuration in the model store will update all locations simultaneously.

Model Store

The Model Store is the full collection of attachments saved under a name:

  • Resource packs loaded on the server can include read-only model configurations of train parts
  • Models can be saved to the store in the general menu
  • Models are saved to plugins/Train_Carts/SavedModels.yml and separate module yml files in the savedModelModules folder, similar to saved trains


Commands for manipulating models are available under the /train model config <name> <subcommand> set of commands. It is here you can configure a model to be saved to a separate module (its own yml file).

You can use /train model config <name> edit to edit an existing model configuration in the attachment editor.