使用 [train] 时,效果会显示在列车的所有车厢上。使用 [cart] 时,效果只会显示在位于效果牌上方的矿车上。当效果牌激活时且周围没矿车时,效果会在牌子上方(在铁轨上)显示。
effect, followed up by an optional playback speed (pitch) and intensity (volume). Values of 1.0 are the defaults. Specifying effect stop will abort playback of the effect if possible.
Third and fourth lines
One or two names of effect attachments to activate. In the Attachment Editor, go to the general menu (hamburger) and name the effect attachment. You can then put that name here to activate it.
Examples of supported attachments:
- Sound Attachment
- Particle Attachment
- Sequencer Attachment
An old version of this sign still exists which can only play (some) Bukkit effects. For this, use beffect on the second line. peffect plays the effect at the player, and meffect every tick as a train drives over the sign.
These effects can be played:
- A sound effect (See: Available Sounds)
- A particle effect (See: Available Effects)
- link, to play the fizz and smoke effects at once (link effect)