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chest in
Items from the train are put into nearby chests
Minecart with Chest.pngArrow icon.pngChest.png
deposit chest
deposit c
chest out
Items from nearby chests are put into the train
Chest.pngArrow icon.pngMinecart with Chest.png
collect chest
collect c
dispenser in
Items from the train are put into nearby dispensers
Minecart with Chest.pngArrow icon.pngDispenser.png
deposit disp
deposit d
dispenser out
Items from nearby dispensers are put into the train
Dispenser.pngArrow icon.pngMinecart with Chest.png
collect disp
collect d
furnace in
Fuel and cookable items from the train are put into nearby furnaces
Minecart with Chest.pngArrow icon.pngFurnace.png
deposit furn
deposit f
furnace out
Items from nearby furnaces are put into the train Furnace.pngArrow icon.pngMinecart with Chest.png
collect furn
collect f
deposit cfd
Items from the train are first put into chests, then furnaces and then dispensers

Minecart with Chest.png Arrow icon.png Chest.png Furnace.png Dispenser.png