Template:License CC

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This template is used to sign Files with it.

If you upload a file that is under any Creative Commons License (f.e. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported) will it require the same license or one that is more restricted/the same level as the source license, if allowed.


{{License CC|<type>|<version>}}


Parameter: Description: Default:
type The short (f.e. by-sa). by-nc-nd
version The license version. Should (if possible) be the latest one of the type. 4.0

License Types

The following Licenses are available under Creative commons.
Please use the right Short for the template.

You may ommit the short to use the default which is Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives International.

License Short
Attribution International BY
Attribution-ShareAlike International BY-SA
Attribution-NoDerivatives International BY-ND
Attribution-NonCommercial International BY-NC
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International BY-NC-SA
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives International BY-NC-ND


The Creative Commons License is available under different versions.
Please use the right code for the corresponding version.

You may ommit the code to use the default version which is 4.0

Version Code
1.0 1
2.0 2
2.5 2.5
3.0 3
4.0 4


The below box (including the License header) will be displayed when using the above code.


Creative Commons by-nc-nd 4.0 The file (or parts of it) are under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives International 4.0 License

This screenshot, texture or other asset is licensed under a Creative Commons license! Please refer to the official Legal Code of this license for more information about the details. A small summary of this license can be read here (This page doesn't count as a legal license!).