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TrainCarts 위키에 오신 것을 환영합니다!


이 플러그인은 여러 플러그인에 필요한 라이브러리를 공유하고, 코드의 길이를 줄여 줍니다. 지원이 되는 라이브러리는 여러 가지가 있고, Spigot에 없는 라이브러리는 BKCommonLib에 있습니다. 따라서 BKCommonLib의 파일이 커진 것입니다.

BKCommonLib has versioning on a per-plugin basis, so when a certain plugin needs version 2, and version 1 is installed, the server owner is automatically notified and the plugin is not enabled. This prevents the common mishaps with outdated BKCommonLib versions. If you develop a plugin that uses BKCommonLib, make sure you depend on the earliest version that still offers the features you need. This makes sure your plugin remains functional on older Spigot builds.

Other than utilities and services, this library offers a wide variety of reflection and user-friendly ways of accessing net.minecraft.server. If your plugin requires the use of the internals, but you do not want to risk changing field and method names, you can depend on BKCommonLib to provide them for you. This allows you to remain compatible between CraftBukkit versions automatically, and reduces silent failure hazards.


This plugin looks for suitable Minecarts and links them together if possible. When two Minecarts are being "linked", the Minecarts will act as one single moving train.

Once carts are successfully linked, an effect is played and their velocity is shared in combination with an individual factor for each Minecart, which is used to remain a steady gap between carts. This gap is adjustable, the force at which this happens as well.

End result: a train! You can move it, make a roller-coaster out of it, split it in half, watch trains collide, whatever you want to do with trains. :)


This add-on for Traincarts adds invisible rollercoaster track to Traincarts. You can now have trains move or fly anywhere, roll around the rails and connect with other types of track. The custom track can be interactively edited and require no external tools or scripting knowledge.

TC-Coasters에 대한 정보를 알아 보고 싶으면 클릭해 주세요.


이 플러그인은 마인크래프트와 관련한 월드의 모든 것을 다루고 있습니다.

MyWorlds에 대한 정보를 알아 보고 싶으면 클릭해 주세요.


A bridge between plugins and signs to easily display text on signs.


Maplands는 마인크래프트 맵을 보여 주는 개발 중인 프로젝트입니다. 월드를 개별적으로 보고, 맵을 함께 연결하여 서버의 개요를 만들어 보세요!

The homepage is maintained by the wiki admins. If you have any suggestions for this page, please contact an admin!