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使用 TC 插件时可能在某些功能上会造成服务器或客户端的卡顿。该页面会展示卡顿的原因细节,以及如何去缓解卡顿。

复杂的 3D 模型

Minecraft 不太擅长渲染复杂的体素模型。如果你的服务器上装载有复杂模型的自定义资源包,这可能会导致客户端的帧数下降。请在上传自定义资源包到服务器之前尽可能优化和查看模型。JSON 文件的大小是最强有力的指标。


组件编辑器中配置矿车的 物理属性时,矿车的大小可以设置的非常大。这改变了实体本身的边界框,这会导致服务器的 TPS 恶化。主要原因是服务器对碰撞的过量运算。为防止这些卡顿,可禁用列车的方块碰撞。

Turns off block collisions, trains will fall through the ground
Command: /train collision block cancel

Large wait distance

The wait distance property can be set for a train, so that it will keep distance to trains up ahead. This does require tracking all the rails the full distance in front of the train. Setting this distance too high can therefore result in worsened TPS on the server.

Keep chunks loaded

Trains can keep chunks loaded, but too many loaded chunks may also hurt server performance. They consume RAM, which might cause an out-of-memory situation. They may also contain entities or redstone contraptions that all contribute to a worsened TPS. As trains move, they load and unload chunks continuously, which might also cause problems.

Generally a single train keeping chunks loaded is not a big deal, it's no different from a player moving from one location to another. But having hundreds of them on far reaches of the server could cause problems.

Limit the number of trains

You can edit plugins/Train_Carts/config.yml to limit how many individual TrainCarts Minecart entities can exist per world. This prevents an out of control spawner sign or player abuse lagging the server to a halt.

# Limits of the amount of carts on the server
  # Maximum number of TrainCarts minecarts allowed per world
  # If there are more than this number, no more minecarts can be placed/spawned
  # A value of -1 disables this limit (default)
  maxCartsPerWorld: -1

  <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
# Whether to include unloaded trains/carts in the maxCartsPerWorld limit
  countUnloaded: false

  <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
# Maximum number of carts that can be joined together in a train
  # Linking does not happen when it would exceed this limit,
  # and trains longer than this cannot be spawned
  # A value of -1 disables this limit, allowing any length (default)
  maxCartsPerTrain: -1

Saved Train Spawn Limits

Besides a global limit, it is possible to configure a spawn limit per saved train. After having saved a train with /train save name, you can configure a spawn limit with /savedtrain name spawnlimit <limit>.

Spawn signs and train chests configured with the train name will stop spawning trains when this limit is reached. This is particularly useful with auto-spawning spawn signs that populate a train network, combined with setting destroyAllOnShutdown to true in config.yml.