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A seat attachment is being configured


Seats are invisible points where players or mobs can sit inside the train. Typically these are added as a child to other attachments where the seat is visibly displayed, such as is the case with the default Minecart. For each seat, both 1st-person (the player sitting) and 3rd-person (other players viewing the player in the seat) appearance can be configured.

Lock Rotation

Sets whether the body of the player is aligned in a fixed direction. When off, players will rotate around freely in the seat. This does not prevent players from looking around.

First Person View


Mode Description
DEFAULT Players see themselves sitting upright at all times
INVISIBLE Players are made invisible and cannot see themselves
HEAD Players can only see their own head
STANDING Players see themselves standing/walking/flying as the train moves. Their movement is controlled by the server.
THIRD_P A fake player entity is spawned, causing players to see their own head when they look vertically. The real player is made invisible.
DYNAMIC Uses DEFAULT when upright, and THIRD_P when moving vertical/upside-down

Eye Position

Instead of positioning the passenger by the butt, positions the player by the eyes/line of sight. If it is important that the player camera is positioned at a certain position in first person, this can be enabled to do exactly that. The position of the eyes are displayed using an arrow, and the menu also includes a preview button to see what the passenger would see.

Switching it back to 'automatic' disables this feature, positioning the passenger by the butt again.

View Locking

Some first-person view locking options are available. This restricts the player's ability to look around.

Mode Description
No view locking The player can look around freely
Move view when seat moves (choppy) Sends relative movement packets to rotate the camera when the seat moves. This can be quite choppy.
Free look in spectator mode Makes the player spectate another entity, while allowing (delayed) free movement. The camera moves when the seat moves.
View locked in spectator mode Makes the player spectate another entity. Does not allow any player input. The camera moves when the seat moves.

Passenger Display


Mode Description
DEFAULT Passenger is shown seated upright as a normal player
ELYTRA_SIT Passenger is shown as flying an elytra in a sort-of sitting pose. Allows for functional pitch.
STANDING Passenger is shown standing/walking/flying as the train moves.
HEAD Only the passenger's head is shown
NO_NAMETAG Same as DEFAULT, except the players nametag is hidden
INVISIBLE Passenger is invisible

Item Display

An item can be configured to be displayed when the seat is occupied. This can be used in combination with the invisible display modes to show a custom model of a passenger.

Body Locking

Controls whether the passenger body is locked into facing forwards. This is only visible in third person.


A relative exit offset can be configured for every seat. Players are teleported here when ejecting from the train.


A permission node to enter this particular seat can be configured in the anvil menu. To reset, enter an empty space.

Smooth Coasters

The Smooth Coasters mod can be installed on the client. TrainCarts will automatically detect players that use this mod and send smooth rotations of the passengers. This also enables the seat to roll, which is otherwise not supported.