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Revision as of 08:28, 4 September 2024 by Halogly (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== TrainCarts插件 == 该插件会寻找矿车并尽可能将它们连接在一起。当两辆矿车''连接''在一起时,会组成一列车。")
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该运行库共享各种插件所需的所有通用代码,将它们一起放在库中可以大大减少重复代码量。插件各个都别具一格、富有特色,每当 Spigot 缺少某些功能时,该功能就会被收录进 BKCommonLib 里,这就是为什么这个库会变得如此庞大的原因之一:Spigot 不提供(也不想提供)的功能实在太多了。

BKCommonLib 以每个插件为基础进行版本控制,因此当某个插件需要版本 2,并且安装了版本 1 时,会自动向服务器管理员发送通知,并且不启用这个插件。这可以防止因 BKCommonLib 版本过时而导致的各种问题。如果你想开发基于 BKCommonLib 的插件,请确保你是基于仍能提供你所需的功能的最早版本,这样你的插件才可以在较旧的 Spigot 版本上正常运行。

除了程序和服务以外,这个库还提供了各种反射和对用户友好的方法来访问 net.minecraft.server。如果你的插件需要使用内部组件,但不想冒险修改字段和方法名称,可以让内部组件依赖 BKCommonLib,这允许你自保持 CraftBukkit 版本之间的兼容性,并减少静默问题的产生。

点击前往 BKCommonLib wiki。



Once carts are successfully linked, an effect is played and their velocity is shared in combination with an individual factor for each Minecart, which is used to remain a steady gap between carts. This gap is adjustable, the force at which this happens as well.

End result: a train! You can move it, make a roller-coaster out of it, split it in half, watch trains collide, whatever you want to do with trains. :)


This add-on for Traincarts adds invisible rollercoaster track to Traincarts. You can now have trains move or fly anywhere, roll around the rails and connect with other types of track. The custom track can be interactively edited and require no external tools or scripting knowledge.


This plugin features everything related to worlds.


A bridge between plugins and signs to easily display text on signs.


Maplands is a work-in-progress project delivering world map rendering to Minecraft maps. Display the world in an isometric view, link maps together and create a huge overview of your server, and much more is anticipated!

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