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进入牌可以让附近的玩家和/或生物进入列车。它会覆盖 allowenter 属性,这意味着你可以拒绝玩家手动进入列车的同时还能通过进入牌来让玩家自动进入列车。


enter 3s
player mob

First line: [train] to enter into all minecarts of the train, [cart] to enter into minecarts individually

Second line

enter, followed up by the radius to look for players or mobs in blocks. When an s is added after the radius, the radius is fully spherical, otherwise it is cylindrical with height 1. So, if you do not want players/mobs above or below the minecart(s) to enter, leave out the s. If you do need this, add the s.

Third line

What type of entities this sign operates on. By adding mob mobs will enter, by adding player players will enter. misc will let in other types of entities, like armor stands. When this line is left empty only players enter the minecarts. You can allow both mobs and players by appending them, for example player mob

Fourth line

Sets whether to look around the sign for players/mobs to enter, or whether to look around each individual minecart. By specifying 'yes/true' it will look around the sign, by specifying 'no/false' or by leaving the line empty it will look around each minecart.

Remote Control

You can remotely make trains take in passengers. Say your train is called train01, then you use the following on the sign:

[train train01]
enter 5

Then it will teleport all players near the enter sign into the train named train01. Note that long-distance teleportation (between worlds or far away) will likely fail, so keep the RC sign near the train when using this.