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Revision as of 04:20, 5 September 2024 by Halogly (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== 矿车分割器 === 使用<code>[+cart]</code>转辙器并使用计数语法,一列长列车会被分割为一个个矿车。每个矿车会被平均分至 3 条轨道...")
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使用[+cart]转辙器并使用计数语法,一列长列车会被分割为一个个矿车。每个矿车会被平均分至 3 条轨道中的其中一条。using the counter syntax, a long train can be split into individual carts. Each cart is sent onto one of three tracks, equally. The extra sign below the cart switcher sign extends the number of switching rules. Statements: l:1 r:1 f:1