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Statement Meaning
passenger The train has a passenger
items The train contains a chest and has items
empty The train has no passenger and no items
fuel The train contains a furnace which has fuel
trainsize The train cart count matches (e.g.: trainsize>=3)
chest_minecart The train has a number of chest minecarts (e.g.: chest_minecart>=1). Also works for hoppers/powered/etc. types.
The train velocity (movement speed) can be evaluated, or gets if the train is moving
powered The train contains a powered minecart
storage The train contains a storage minecart
minecart The train contains a regular minecart
redstone The sign is powered by redstone
maxspeed Evaluate the maximum speed set
mobenter Checks the mob enter property
playerenter Checks the player enter property
playerexit Checks the player exit property
destination Checks if a destination is set on the train
random Has a 50% chance of turning on
The train name equals one of the names specified
i@<items> The train contains one of the items specified
o@<owner> The train contains this owner
d@<destination> One cart in the train has this destination set
p@<player> The train is occupied by this player
m@<mobnames> The train is occupied by one of these mobs
pi@<items> One of the players has one of the items in his inventory
ph@<items> One of the players has one of the items in his hand
ed@<directions> The minecart is moving into a given direction (switcher: upon entering the sign)
rs@<directions> The sign is powered from one of the directions specified
rand@30% Has a 30% chance of turning on (instead of the default 50%)
For anything else the plugin checks if the train has it set as a tag