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 h English (en)The switcher sign is also used during [[TrainCarts/PathFinding|path finding]]. If a train or cart has a destination set, and no statements on the sign match (or no statements were set), it will toggle the rails to make the train go to the requested destination. If you need to force an alternative route or need to send 'passing through' trains around, add a statement on this sign to do so.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)转辙器也可用于[[TrainCarts/PathFinding|路线查找]]。如果列车或矿车设置了目的地,并且转辙器上没有与之匹配的语句(或没有设置任何语句),它将切换轨道以使列车前往指定的目的地。如果你需要强制选择替代路线或需要让'通过'的列车绕行,请在该转辙器上添加一条语句来执行此操作。