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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)The [[TrainCarts/Signs/Switcher|switcher]], [[TrainCarts/Signs/Detector|detector]] and [[TrainCarts/Signs/Skip|skip]] signs use statements to conditionally switch track, toggle levers or perform other kinds of actions. Typically the third and fourth lines of signs are used to put these statements. You can also typically add additional signs below the sign to expand the number of statements indefinitely.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)[[TrainCarts/Signs/Switcher|转辙器]]、[[TrainCarts/Signs/Detector|检测器]]、[[TrainCarts/Signs/Skip|跳过牌]]都可使用语句条件判断来分别切换轨道、切换拉杆或执行其他类型的操作。语句通常用在控制牌的第三行和第四行。你还可以在控制牌下方继续添加其他控制牌,来扩展更多语句。