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 h English (en)Most statements also support '''operators'''. Operators are:
* = equals
* != not equals
* >= greater or equal than
* <= smaller or equal than
* > greater than
* < smaller than
To use an operator, append it after the statement. For example, ''minecarts>=5'' will check if there are more than 5 minecarts in the train. ''trainsize>=5'' also counts storage and powered minecarts. You can even use it in arrays. Using ''i@stone=64'' you can check if there are exactly 64 stone in the train. All statements that can be interpreted as an amount have operator support, including counting the amount of mobs in the train: ''m@cow>5''. If no operator is given the default operator ''>0'' is used, or in the case of items, the amount that is specified in front of the item name.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)大多数语句支持'''运算符'''。运算符包括:
* = 等于
* != 不等于
* >= 大于等于
* <= 小于等于
* > 大于
* < 小于
运算符需要输入在语句的后面。比如,''minecarts>=5'' 将检测列车中是否有超过 5 辆矿车。''trainsize>=5'' 还计算运输矿车和动力矿车。你还可以将其组成数组。使用 ''i@stone=64'' 可以检测列车中是否正好有 1 组石头。所有可以解析为数量的语句都支持运算符,包括计算列车中的生物数量:''m@cow>5''。如果没有指定运算符,则使用默认运算符 ''>0'',或者在物品的情况下,使用物品名称前面指定的数量。