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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)You can put a !-sign in front of the statement to act as a NOT. You can read 'the train' as 'the cart' if [cart] is used on the first line. Statements with the format ''name@<array>'' are called '''array statements''' and can operate on multiple of a certain property. For example, ''i@wood'' operates on the items in the train, and checks if there is wood in there. For multiple items, delimit using a semicolon ( ; ), for example ''ed@north;south'' will match trains moving towards north or south only.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)你可以在语句前面输入“!”来表示否定。如果控制牌第一行设置为 [cart],则会将列车看作为一辆辆矿车。'''数组语句'''格式为 ''name@<数组>'',可以对多个属性进行操作。例如,''i@wood'' 操作列车中的物品,并检测其中是否是木头。对于多个物品,需使用(;)分隔,例如 ''ed@north;south'' 仅匹配向北或向南行驶的列车。