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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)''sound'', followed up by an optional pitch and volume. 
Values of 1.0 are the defaults.The range of volume is from 0.0 to 1.0. 
The range of pitch in note_block is from 0.5 (2^(-12/12) ) to 2.0 (2^(12/12) )
A full list of pitch value can be found on the Minecraft Wiki: [ Note Block]
Pitch can be applied to any sound effect(some effects will be accelerated)
Use ''msound'' to play the sound every tick while a train is moving on top of it.
Use ''sound in'' to play the sound only to player passengers of the train.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)''sound'',后跟可选的音调和音量。
默认值为 1.0。音量范围在 0.0 到 1.0 之间。
音符盒中的音调范围在 0.5(2^(-12/12))到 2.0(2^(12/12))之间。
音调值的完整列表可在 Minecraft Wiki 上找到: [ 音符盒]
使用 ''msound'' 则会在列车经过控制牌时的每一刻播放一次声音。
使用 ''sound in'' 则仅向列车上的乘客播放声音。