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 h English (en)The following 'wait' properties exist:
{| class="wikitable"
! Property
! Example Value
! Description
| waitdistance
| 20.5
| Distance to keep between this train and the train ahead, in blocks. The train will slow down or stop completely maintaining distance.
| waitacceleration
| 20kmh/s
| The [[TrainCarts/Acceleration|rate of acceleration]] at which trains slow down or speed up when obstacles ahead appear or disappear. When specifying two numbers, the first number is the rate speeding up, the second number the rate slowing down. This can be set without the waitdistance, and will be used to slow down when approaching blockers or mutexes.
| waitdelay
| 30
| When the train is completely stopped due an obstacle, waits at least this delay in seconds until starting to move again
| waitpredicted
| false
| Controls whether the path the train will take is predicted. By default on. When enabled, this will take into account [[TrainCarts/Signs/Switcher|switcher signs]] and where the train will be routed to when checking for obstacles.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)存在以下'等待'属性:
{| class="wikitable"
! 属性
! 值 示例
! 描述
| waitdistance
| 20.5
| 列车与列车之间保持的距离(方块距离)。列车会减速甚至在到达距离时完全停止。
| waitacceleration
| 20kmh/s
| 当前方障碍出现或消失时列车的[[TrainCarts/Acceleration|加速度和减速度]]。当指定两个数值时,第一个数值表示列车加速度,第二个数值表示减速度。没有设置等待距离也可以使用,并且列车减速接近 blocker(阻挡器)控制牌或 mutex(区间闭塞)控制牌时也会使用该配置。
| waitdelay
| 30
| 列车因前方障碍需要等待而完全停止时,障碍消失后列车启动的延迟(以秒为单位)。
| waitpredicted
| false
| 预测并控制列车的路线。默认启用。如果启用,会考虑[[TrainCarts/Signs/Switcher|转辙器]]并检测列车预期路线上的障碍。