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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)=== Wait Property ===
The wait properties control when a train will automatically slow down. This can be used to slow a train down when obstacles are ahead of the train. This feature largely replaces the older [[Special:MyLanguage/TrainCarts/Signs/Waiter|waiter sign]], and is a lot more intelligent:
* Maintain distance with other trains up ahead
* Slow down approaching [[TrainCarts/Signs/Mutex|occupied mutex zones]]
* Slow down approaching a [[TrainCarts/Signs/Blocker|blocker sign]] that will block the train
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)=== 等待属性 ===
等待属性控制列车的减速机制。当前方有列车阻挡时会自动减速。这项功能很大程度上会替代[[Special:MyLanguage/TrainCarts/Signs/Waiter|waiter 等待牌]],并且更加智能:
* 与前方列车保持距离。
* 减速靠近[[TrainCarts/Signs/Mutex|闭塞区间]]。
* 使当前列车减速靠近[[TrainCarts/Signs/Blocker|阻挡器]]。