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 h English (en)The name property alters the name of the train. To account for multiple trains being renamed, and because every train needs a unique name, the # value is added as a counter-based replacement. For example, the first train passing over the property sign with name value: ''Intercity#A'' would be named ''Intercity1A'' and the second ''Intercity2A'', and so on. You can use this in combination with the spawner sign to spawn trains with a fixed naming system. This naming system can then be used for remote control to control all trains of a certain spawner or category.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)名称属性会更改列车的名称。考虑到多列车重命名,且每列车都需要一个唯一的名称,因此会添加“#”来计数。例如,经过名称值为 ''Intercity#A'' 的属性牌时,第一辆列车将被命名为 ''Intercity1A'',第二辆列车将被命名为 ''Intercity2A'',以此类推。你可以与生成器结合,系统化生成并命名列车。之后还可以通过此命名,进行系统化远程控制,用于控制特定生成器或类别的所有列车。