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 h English (en)The mutex sign handles mutual exclusion: it blocks trains entering a zone while another train is already inside. Once the zone is freed up again, the waiting trains are allowed to continue movement. This sign is useful in combination with switcher signs to avoid crashing trains. Levers attached to the base block are toggled while a train is inside the mutex zone.
 h Chinese (zh)闭塞区(mutex)控制牌可以用于生成一个闭塞区域,当某一列车已经占用了这个区域时,它会阻止其它列车继续进入。当前序列车离开闭塞区后,等待的列车就可以按照先来后到的顺序继续进入闭塞区。这个控制牌和Switcher道岔控制牌可以互相配合,防止列车相撞。此控制牌周围可以设置一个拉杆,当有列车在闭塞区的时候,拉杆会输出红石信号。
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)闭塞区间处理:当一列车已经进入闭塞区间,其他列车将不能驶入。闭塞区间清空后,其他列车才能驶入。闭塞区间与转辙器结合使用,可避免列车相撞。当闭塞区间存在列车时,底座连接的拉杆会被切换为开启状态。