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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)You can leave the third line blank to only let the sign set a new destination on the train. You can leave the fourth line blank to only use this sign for path finding. The destination is set on the train only if:
* The train has no destination set
* The destination sign is itself no destination
* The destination sign is activated using Redstone power
* The destination sign name is the same as the destination set on the train
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)第三行留空可以使目标牌只保留设置列车新目的地的功能。第四行留空可以使目标牌只保留作为目的地的功能。仅当满足以下条件时,才能设置列车的目的地:
* 列车没有设置目的地。
* 目标牌本身不是目的地。
* 使用红石激活目标牌。
* 目标牌设置的名称与列车的目的地名称相同。