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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)The Block Changer sign can change the types of blocks displayed in a minecart. For example, a storage minecart shows a chest - here the displayed block type is a chest. You can change the type of block from a chest to something else using this sign. All minecart types support this sign, and the displayed block types are persistent through server restarts.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)方块更改器可以更改矿车中显示的方块类型。比如,储存矿车内显示的是一个箱子 - 那么显示的方块类型就是箱子。你可以通过这个控制牌将箱子修改为其他类型的方块。所有矿车类型都支持这个控制牌,显示的方块类型不会因服务器重启而消失。