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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)Can be left empty, otherwise the speed and delay for playing the animation can be specified. The speed is multiplied with the speed(s) of the animations played, and the delay is added. First number is speed, if a second number is specified with a space between it, that is the delay. To play an animation in reverse, use a negative speed.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)可以留空,填写可以指定播放动画的速度和延迟。填写的速度会乘以当前播放动画的速度,同时添加填写的延迟。第一个数值表示速度,若有第二个数值,则第二个数值表示延迟。要倒放动画,则第一个数值应该填负数。