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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)= Placement  =
[[Image:Track switcher example 1.png|thumb|right|Empty minecarts are blocked]]
[[Image:TrainCarts sign example 2.png|thumb|right|Trains are switched left and right using a 1:1 counter]]
Each sign targets a certain track piece above. Signs attached to walls take the block they are attached to and look up until they find a piece of track. That track is then used for that sign. Sign posts look up until they find a piece of track. There may not be blocks without signs between the bottom sign and the tracks.
 h Chinese (zh)= 放置方法 =
[[Image:Track switcher example 1.png|thumb|right|空矿车将被阻挡]]
[[Image:TrainCarts sign example 2.png|thumb|right|列车将会以1:1的比例左右转]]

