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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Start by placing down destination signs with a name for the destination on the third line. The fourth line can be used to set a new destination to go to once a train goes over the sign, but can be left empty.
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File:Pathfinding_Destination.png|Station with destination sign. Trains can go here, are stopped for 30 seconds, then move on to the right.
 h Chinese (zh)首先将destination控制牌放置在轨道下方,在第三行写上这个路径点的名称。第四行可以为经过的列车设置一个新的路径点(这一行可以留空,列车经过此路径点之后destination属性清空)。
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 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)可以在目标牌的第三行输入目的地的名称,第四行可以填写新的目的地名称来为经过的列车设置新的目的地,但你也可以留空。
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