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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)[[File:Pathfinding Debug Destinations.png|thumb|Displays the destinations with a distance to them]]
The plugin offers a ''debug stick'' with which path finding information can be displayed. Use the stick item to click on rails to show information about the route(s) that can be taken. Sneak (shift) while clicking performs a ''reroute'', which recalculates the track reachable from where you clicked. If you have multiple smaller rail networks, this can be more efficient than executing the global reroute command.
 h Chinese (zh)[[File:Pathfinding_Debug_Destinations.png|thumb|Displays the destinations with a distance to them]]
TC插件提供了可以在游戏界面显示路径信息的"调试棒"。手持调试棒右键轨道,轨道上方就会为每条路径生成不同颜色的粒子效果。当潜行时手持调试棒右键轨道,插件就会重新计算以点击位置为起点,前往各个可达路径点的路径。如果服务器中有多个小规模铁路网络,这么做可以比手动输入/train reroute更有效率,因为这个指令是将全地图的整个路网都重新计算一次。
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)[[File:Pathfinding Debug Destinations.png|thumb|显示存在一定距离的目的地。]]