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 h English (en)When it is desirable that trains only ever go in one direction over a piece of track, an always-powered blocker sign can be used. This is useful when having two tracks side-by-side, each going in opposing directions. The path finding system will automatically ignore paths that are blocked by blocker signs.
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File:Pathfinding_Blocker.png|With ''[+train:left]'' trains coming from the left are blocked, only allowing movement from right to left. Similarly, ''[+train:right]'' and other directions can be used.
 h Chinese (zh)因为插件在自动寻路时会设定最短路径,但有时候这个路径会造成进路冲突。所以我们需要在某些路段人为规定行车方向。例如,如果我们希望列车在复线轨道上只朝一个方向行驶,这时可以使用blocker控制牌,让插件计算路径时把可能造成反向行车的路径排除在外。
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File:Pathfinding_Blocker.png|在第一行写入 ''[+train:left]'' 可以阻挡左侧开过来的列车,只让列车从右往左走。同样地, ''[+train:right]'' 就是让列车只能从左往右走,阻挡右侧开过来的列车。 
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)当希望某条轨道上只能单向行驶时,可以使用始终开启的阻挡器,这个方法在有并排的轨道上时很有用,每条轨道只能沿着一个方向行驶,自动寻路机制会忽略阻挡器阻挡的路线,使其不会出现驶错轨道的问题。
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File:Pathfinding_Blocker.png|使用 ''[+train:left]'' 只会允许从右向左行驶的列车。同样你也可以使用 ''[+train:right]'' 阻挡从右驶来的列车。