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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Places where the track should be switched need to have an always-powered switcher sign placed. Now when a train moves over it that has a destination set, a route will be calculated and then the track is switched.
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File:Pathfinding_Switcher.png|Switcher sign will automatically switch the track to go from/to any of the 3 directions.
 h Chinese (zh)在道岔处放置一个一直激活的switcher控制牌,TC插件会将道岔识别为路网节点。当一列火车驶入道岔时,插件会根据线路情况自动计算出一条路径,并按照此路径切换轨道,把列车引导到对应的轨道上。需要注意的是,这个节点和现实中的道岔并不完全相同。如果给列车设定的路径点在驶入方向的后方,列车会被“弹回去”。
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 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)轨道分叉口应该放置一个始终开启的转辙器。当有一辆设置了目的地的列车经过时,转辙器会计算出一条路线,然后切换轨道。
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File:Pathfinding_Switcher.png|转辙器会自动切换轨道,决定列车要前往的任何 3 个方向。