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 h English (en)=== Targeting Flags ===
Instead of first selecting a cart to modify, you can use any of the following flags to target trains directly. These also work in Command Blocks.
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width: 15%" |  Flag
! style="width: 25%" | Example
! Description
| --train <name>
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --train train12<br>/train maxspeed --train @train[name=intercity*]
| Selects a train by name. Supports the [[TrainCarts/Commands/Selectors|''@train'' selector]] in place of the name, with which you can target more than one train at a time.
| --nearest
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --nearest
| Selects the nearest train to the sender. At most 128 blocks away.
| --near <x> <y> <z> <distance>
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --near ~ ~ ~ 5
| Selects the nearest train near to the coordinates specified, at most distance away
| --cart <index or entity_uuid>
| /cart destroy --nearest --cart 0
| Selects a single cart from the front. Index 0 is the front, 1 second from front, etc. The words 'head' and 'tail' can also be used to select the first or last cart. The train of which to select the carts can be selected with the other flags, otherwise the train the player is currently editing is used.
| --world <worldname>
| /train destroy --world world_nether --near 2 66 -134 1.5
| By default flags only target the world the sender is on. With this, a different world can be specified. Is required when running commands from the server terminal.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)=== 目标标签 ===
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width: 15%" | 标签
! style="width: 25%" | 例子
! 描述
| --train <名称>
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --train train12<br>/train maxspeed --train @train[name=intercity*]
| 通过名称选择列车。支持[[TrainCarts/Commands/Selectors|''@train'' 选择器]]代替名称,这样你可以一次选择多列车。
| --nearest
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --nearest
| 选择距离指令发送者最近的列车。最远128个方块距离。
| --near <x> <y> <z> <范围>
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --near ~ ~ ~ 5
| 选择距离指定坐标最近的列车,可自定义最远范围。
| --cart <索引 或 实体uuid>
| /cart destroy --nearest --cart 0
| 选择前方的单个矿车。索引自 0 开始是前方第一个,1 是前方第二个,以此类推。单词 'head'(头部)和 'tail'(尾部)可用于选择开头和末尾的单个矿车。使用其他标签来选择需要选中的矿车的列车,否则将使用玩家当前正在编辑的列车。
| --world <世界名称>
| /train destroy --world world_nether --near 2 66 -134 1.5
| 默认情况下,标签仅针对指令发送者所在的世界。通过此标签,可以指定不同的世界。从服务器控制台执行指令时需要此标签。