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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)* Load, unload, copy, delete, save and create worlds (Read more...)
* Show information of worlds and list available chunk generators and worlds
* Set world game mode, difficulty, time, weather, autosaving, PvP
* Set world mob spawn restrictions
* Evacuate worlds to clear them from players
* Repair broken worlds to some extend
* Make portals cross-world, one-way, simple, no commands needed
* World-specific chat rooms using permissions
* Automatically load worlds when the server starts and persistent settings
* Extensive permission system, you can even set who can enter what world
* Can act as a tool for other plugins to teleport players from one world to the other
* Simple teleportation commands
* Set OP lists for specific worlds to make players operator on certain worlds
* Easy-to-remember commands: with aliases and chat-message help
* World inventory separation, merging and disabling (clear)
* Main world where players spawn can be configured
* Can set to re-spawn all players on the main world at all times
* Remember the last known position of a player on a world, and teleport him to it (Read more...)
* Auto-import the configuration from Multiverse (Read more...)
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)* 加载、卸载、复制、删除、保存和创建世界
* 显示世界的信息并列出所有的世界和可用的区块等信息
* 设置世界游戏模式,难度,时间,天气,自动保存,是否开启PvP等等
* 设置世界生物生成限制
* 清空世界时清除玩家
* 在一定程度上修复受损的世界
* 创建多世界条件,单向,简单,无需命令
* 使用权限配置每个世界特定的聊天
* 服务器启动时自动加载世界
* 权限细化,您可以设置某个玩家可以进入某个世界
* 可以将玩家从一个世界传送到另一个世界
* 可以设置特定世界某玩家拥有 OP 权限,便于管理(可以用与创造)
* 易于记忆的命令:可以配置自定义命令和帮助
* 背包隔离、合并和禁用物品
* 可配置玩家出生的主世界
* 可以设置为重生世界的所有玩家
* 记住玩家在某个世界中的最后一个已知位置,并将他传送到该位置