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Command blocks

To change variables using command blocks, you can chain the edit and set commands.

/variable edit varname set newvalue

Variabels in variables

As of version 1.16.5-v1, it is possible to declare variable names inside the value for a variable. For example, you can do:

/variable edit message set Hello, %playername%! It is %time%

And now putting %message% on signs (or in other variables!) will display the values of playername and time in-place. This can also be used to alias long variable names, so they can fit on signs.




Signlink supports the PlaceholderAPI plugin in both directions. This means that you can use Signlink to display placeholders on signs, or use signlink variables in other plugins that support placeholders.

  • You can use signlink variables in other plugins by prefixing it with sl_. For example, %sl_time% will display the time variable.
  • Adding placeholder names to the 'autoUpdateVariables' list in SignLink's config.yml will make them work on signs, with the same name.
  • To display long placeholder names on signs, you can use a shorter variable name and set its value to %placeholder_name%

Permissions and commands

Use /togglesignupdate to turn sign updating on or off, just in case someone made a huge amount of updating signs that causes lag. Permission nodes (Bukkit permissions):

    description: Allows you to build signs containing variables
    default: op
    description: Allows you to set if signs are being updated or not
    default: op
    description: Allows you to reload the values.yml
    default: op