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Revision as of 21:36, 17 November 2020 by RyanDo (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)
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Since we see regular questions about permissions we have decided to create this page to show all permissions and add an explanation to it.

train.command.globalproperties - The player can edit the properties of all carts - The player can edit the properties of carts he owns

train.command.destroy - The player can destroy owned carts through commands

train.command.destroyall - The player can destroy all trains on the server

train.command.fixbugged - The player can destroy all bugged minecarts on the server

train.command.upgradesavedtrains - The player can upgrade all saved trains model positions to the new TC version

train.command.reroute - The player can force path finding to re-calculate

train.command.reload - The player can reload the configuration

train.command.break - The player can set blocks the cart can break from a set list

train.command.breakblock.admin - The player can set blocks the cart can break, any type

train.command.setpublic - The player can make his owned carts open for the public

train.command.setowners - The player can set the owners of his owned carts

train.command.settags - The player can set the tags of his owned carts

train.command.setdestination - The player can set destinations for his owned carts

train.command.playerenter - The player can set if players can enter his owned carts

train.command.playerexit - The player can set if players can exit his owned carts

train.command.pickup - The player can set if his owned storage carts pick up items

train.command.setlinking - The player can set if his owned trains can link to other trains

train.command.keepchunksloaded - The player can set if his owned trains keep nearby chunks loaded

train.command.invincible - The player can set if his owned trains are invincible

train.command.pushing - The player can set if his owned trains push away certain entities

train.command.slowdown - The player can set if his owned trains slow down over time

train.command.setcollide - The player can set if his owned trains can collide

train.command.setspeedlimit - The player can set the maximum speed for his trains

train.command.setpoweredcartrequirement - The player can set if a powered minecart is needed for his train to stay alive

train.command.default - The player can apply default settings to his owned trains

train.command.rename - The player can rename his owned trains

train.command.displayname - The player can change the display name of his owned trains

train.command.manualmove - Whether the player can change if trains can be moved by damaging them

train.command.saveall - Whether the player can save all TrainCarts stored information to file

train.command.message - Whether the player can add message shortcuts

train.command.pathinfo - Whether the player can view the route the train is following to reach the destination

train.command.playertake - Whether the player can change if players take Minecarts with them when they leave

train.command.soundenabled - Whether the player can turn Minecart sound on or off

train.command.teleport - Whether the player can teleport to where trains are

train.command.changeblock - Whether the player can alter the type of block displayed in a minecart

train.command.changetick - Whether the player can alter the global update tick rate of TrainCarts (debug!)

train.command.issue - Whether the player can report problems with TrainCarts

train.command.editor - Whether the player can use commands to give himself editors for trains (models) and signs

train.command.chest - Whether the player can use a chest item that can store and spawn trains - Whether the player can use a command to save a train under a name

train.command.savedtrain.reverse - Whether the player can reverse a saved train, so that back becomes front when spawning

train.command.savedtrain.rename - Whether the player can rename a saved train to a new name

train.command.savedtrain.delete - Whether the player can delete a previously saved train

train.command.savedtrain.claim - Whether the player can change who has claimed a saved train - Whether the player can modify, delete or claim saved trains claimed by other players

train.command.savedtrain.import - Whether the player can import saved trains from online using hastebin

train.command.savedtrain.export - Whether the player can export (paste) saved trains to online using hastebin

train.command.enter - Whether the player can use a command to enter the train/cart being edited

train.command.launch - Whether the player can use a command to launch the train being edited

train.command.animate - Whether the player can use a command to play an animation

train.command.gravity - Whether the player can use a command to change the gravity factor of a train - The player can build train stations - The player can build train spawners

train.spawner.automatic - The player can build spawners which automatically create carts

train.spawner.regular - The player can build spawners which create regular minecarts

train.spawner.powered - The player can build spawners which create powered minecarts - The player can build spawners which create minecarts with chests

train.spawner.tnt - The player can build spawners which create minecarts with TNT

train.spawner.hopper - The player can build spawners which create minecarts with hoppers

train.spawner.command - The player can build spawners which create minecarts with command blocks

train.spawner.spawner - The player can build spawners which create minecarts with spawners - The player can build train triggers - The player can build destinations - The player can build track switchers - The player can build train destructors - The player can build train detectors - The player can build train ejectors - The player can build train ejectors that teleport to absolute world coordinates - The player can build train property setters - The player can build systems to let trains collect from storage blocks - The player can build systems to fill storage blocks with items from trains - The player can build systems to teleport trains vertically - The player can build train teleporters (portals) - The player can build train blockers - The player can build train wait signs - The player can build item crafter signs - The player can build a sign that will charge money or ejects a player if he can't pay - The player can build a sign that sends a message to all the players in a train - The player can build a sign that can play an effect - The player can build a sign that can play a sound - The player can build a sign that alters the block displayed in minecarts - The player can build a sign that can cause a train to jump in a certain direction - The player can build a sign that can launch trains - The player can build a sign that can make nearby players/mobs enter a train - The player can build a sign that can tell a train or minecart to skip upcoming signs - The player can build a sign that defines a mutual exclusion zone, where only one train can be at - The player can build a sign that flips the orientation of a Minecart 180 degrees - The player can build a sign that plays train animations - The player can place minecarts - The player can place TrainCarts minecarts

train.break.self - The player can break their own minecarts

train.break.any - The player can break all carts in the game - Carts placed by this player get the admin properties

train.ticket.manage - The player can edit the details of existing tickets or create new tickets