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(Created page with "通过聊天输入指令可以控制列车或单个矿车。指令还可以用于执行常规任务,例如从世界上移除所有矿车。")
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== 介绍 ==
== 介绍 ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== 基础语法 ===
=== Syntax basics ===
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
要执行指令,请使用 '''/train ''' '''/cart '''。使用 /train 时,将对整辆列车执行操作,或执行全局列车指令。使用 /cart 时,将对单一矿车执行操作。
To perform a command, either use '''/train ''' or '''/cart '''. When using the train version, you want to operate on the entire train or perform a global train command. When using the cart version, you want to operate on a single cart.
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=== 选择 ===
=== Selecting ===
Commands that target a specific train (''/train'') or cart (''/cart'') require the player to select the train or cart first. This can be done by:
* 进入矿车。
* Entering the cart
* 潜行并打击矿车,这样在创造模式下打不坏。
* Sneaking and damaging the cart, so it doesn't break (creative)
* 使用[[TrainCarts/Train Spawn Chest|列车生成箱]]来新生成一辆列车。
* Spawning a new train with the [[TrainCarts/Train Spawn Chest|train spawn chest]]
* 看着要选中的矿车,然后执行指令<code>/train edit</code>
* Looking at the cart, and running command <code>/train edit</code>
* 使用<code>/train list</code>指令列出的列车名称列表并单击列车名称,或在<code>/train edit <列车名称></code>中指定列车名称。
* Listing trains with <code>/train list</code> and clicking on a train name, or specifying the name of the train in the <code>/train edit [name]</code> command
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=== 目标标签 ===
=== Targeting Flags ===
Instead of first selecting a cart to modify, you can use any of the following flags to target trains directly. These also work in Command Blocks.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width: 15%" | Flag
! style="width: 15%" | 标签
! style="width: 25%" | Example
! style="width: 25%" | 例子
! Description
! 描述
| --train <name>
| --train <名称>
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --train train12<br>/train maxspeed --train @train[name=intercity*]
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --train train12<br>/train maxspeed --train @train[name=intercity*]
| Selects a train by name. Supports the [[TrainCarts/Commands/Selectors|''@train'' selector]] in place of the name, with which you can target more than one train at a time.
| 通过名称选择列车。支持[[TrainCarts/Commands/Selectors|''@train'' 选择器]]代替名称,这样你可以一次选择多列车。
| --nearest
| --nearest
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --nearest
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --nearest
| Selects the nearest train to the sender. At most 128 blocks away.
| 选择距离指令发送者最近的列车。最远128个方块距离。
| --near <x> <y> <z> <distance>
| --near <x> <y> <z> <范围>
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --near ~ ~ ~ 5
| /train maxspeed 0.0 --near ~ ~ ~ 5
| Selects the nearest train near to the coordinates specified, at most distance away
| 选择距离指定坐标最近的列车,可自定义最远范围。
| --cart <index or entity_uuid>
| --cart <索引 或 实体uuid>
| /cart destroy --nearest --cart 0
| /cart destroy --nearest --cart 0
| Selects a single cart from the front. Index 0 is the front, 1 second from front, etc. The words 'head' and 'tail' can also be used to select the first or last cart. The train of which to select the carts can be selected with the other flags, otherwise the train the player is currently editing is used.
| 选择前方的单个矿车。索引自 0 开始是前方第一个,1 是前方第二个,以此类推。单词 'head'(头部)和 'tail'(尾部)可用于选择开头和末尾的单个矿车。使用其他标签来选择需要选中的矿车的列车,否则将使用玩家当前正在编辑的列车。
| --world <worldname>
| --world <世界名称>
| /train destroy --world world_nether --near 2 66 -134 1.5
| /train destroy --world world_nether --near 2 66 -134 1.5
| By default flags only target the world the sender is on. With this, a different world can be specified. Is required when running commands from the server terminal.
| 默认情况下,标签仅针对指令发送者所在的世界。通过此标签,可以指定不同的世界。从服务器控制台执行指令时需要此标签。
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 全局指令 ==
== Global commands ==
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<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">

Revision as of 01:22, 19 September 2024

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要执行指令,请使用 /train /cart 。使用 /train 时,将对整辆列车执行操作,或执行全局列车指令。使用 /cart 时,将对单一矿车执行操作。



  • 进入矿车。
  • 潜行并打击矿车,这样在创造模式下打不坏。
  • 使用列车生成箱来新生成一辆列车。
  • 看着要选中的矿车,然后执行指令/train edit
  • 使用/train list指令列出的列车名称列表并单击列车名称,或在/train edit <列车名称>中指定列车名称。



标签 例子 描述
--train <名称> /train maxspeed 0.0 --train train12
/train maxspeed --train @train[name=intercity*]
通过名称选择列车。支持@train 选择器代替名称,这样你可以一次选择多列车。
--nearest /train maxspeed 0.0 --nearest 选择距离指令发送者最近的列车。最远128个方块距离。
--near <x> <y> <z> <范围> /train maxspeed 0.0 --near ~ ~ ~ 5 选择距离指定坐标最近的列车,可自定义最远范围。
--cart <索引 或 实体uuid> /cart destroy --nearest --cart 0 选择前方的单个矿车。索引自 0 开始是前方第一个,1 是前方第二个,以此类推。单词 'head'(头部)和 'tail'(尾部)可用于选择开头和末尾的单个矿车。使用其他标签来选择需要选中的矿车的列车,否则将使用玩家当前正在编辑的列车。
--world <世界名称> /train destroy --world world_nether --near 2 66 -134 1.5 默认情况下,标签仅针对指令发送者所在的世界。通过此标签,可以指定不同的世界。从服务器控制台执行指令时需要此标签。


The below commands only work on /train and don't require a selection to function.


/train list
/cart list

Lists the number of stationary and moving trains in the world. It also lists the total number of cart entities (as part of those trains) and lists the trains that belong to you.


/train reroute [--lazy]

If the path finding system is failing because the track got changed, you can use this command to force the plugin to re-calculate all destination paths.

The '--lazy' -Parameter:

Normally the command takes all previous nodes which known existed and schedules them for routing.
With the '--lazy' parameter, this happens once a cart goes towards a switcher sign, and only from that node.

Destroy all

/train destroyall
/train removeall

Destroys all minecarts and trains on the server. Can be useful to re-set the plugin.

Fix bugged

/train fixbugged

Destroys all minecarts that are not managed by the plugin. Useful for is the server was shut down unexpectedly, leaving orphaned trains on the track.

Train - only commands

The below commands work only for /train.


/train setname [name]
/train name [name]
/train rename [name]

Sets the name of the train, the name may not be assigned to another train already

Set display name

/train setdname [name]
/train displayname [name]
/train setdisplayname [name]

Sets the display name of the train, may be double-assigned. This name is displayed on SignLink-variable signs when using trigger signs.

Train and Cart commands

The below commands work for both /train and /cart.


/train info
/train i

Shows train or cart related information, such as the name and set properties.


/train claim

Sets you as the only owner of this train.

/train setowner [names...]
/train setowners [names...]
/train setowners

Sets the owner names of this train. Use no names to clear the owners.

/train addowner [names...]
/train addowners [names...]

Adds the owner names to this train.

To change ownership of a single minecart, use the '/cart' command instead of '/train'. When setting train owners, you set owners on all minecarts simultaneously. If no owners are set for a minecart, it can be freely edited and destroyed by everyone else.


/train settags [tags...]
/train settag [tags...]
/train tags [tags...]
/train tag [tags...]
/train settags

Sets the tags of this train. Use no tags to clear the tags.

/train addtags [tags...]
/train addtag [tags...]

Add tags to this train.

Tags can be used in combination with switcher or detector signs. For example, you can set a tag to order a train to be destroyed. Every minecart has a separate set of tags, setting tags on a train sets it for all minecarts simultaneously.


/train destination [destination]
/train dest [destination]

Sets the destination for this train.

You can also set a destination on a single minecart in the train, this way letting switcher signs split trains up in multiple carriages.

Player enter

/train playerenter [bool]

Sets if players can enter the train or minecart.

Player exit

/train playerexit [bool]
/train playerleave [bool]

Sets if players can exit the train or minecart.

Pick up

/train pickup [bool]

Sets if the storage minecart(s) (in the train) pick up nearby items from the ground.


/train collision mobs enter
/train collision player push
/train collision train cancel
/train collision block cancel

Set collision rules. This can be used to allow mobs to enter the train when they collide with it, disable trains linking or push players aside when they are in the way. Setting collision with blocks to cancel will make the train no longer check for collisions with blocks, which can help with performance.